Fire and Evacuation Training Program

Learn how to react in the event of a fire after a road accident. Learn how to evacuate, as well as ensure casualties’ safety until the emergency services arrive.



Passenger vehicle drivers, who may be required to use extinguishers to fight fire, as well as ensure the safety of people present at the accident scene.



Fire intervention theoretical content (morning)

Basic notions relating to fire-fighting:

Fire Intervention theoretical content (morning)

Evacuation theoretical content (afternoon)

Evacuation practical content (afternoon)

Simulations according to the following cases:



Assessment methods

Practical situations

Why choose Agora:

  • Small groups
  • Professional fire-fighter consultant-training staff
  • Training for qualifications
  • Teaching methods based on practical work and simulations

DRTEFP AGORA Formations sarl : DRTEFP 44 57 03656 57 - Siret 818 451 684 00018

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Ultra-realistic simulations due to the use of:

  • Latest generation manikins (25 - 50 - 70 kg)
  • A smoke generator
  • An accident visual and sound simulation device (STRESSIT system)

Persons number
12 per group

1 day per group

Your company

Delay for access to training
15 days and depending on schedules}

+33 (0)3 87 62 76 73